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Bibliotecas UNLAM
Catálogo Bibliográfico

005.74 CER

Ceri, Stefano (1955-...)
  Designing database applications with objects and rules [TXT]. -- Harlow : Addison-Wesley, 1997. -- Designing database applications with objects and rules / Ceri, Stefano

  Apéndices: p. 547-562. Bibliografía: 563-571
  ISBN: 0201403692

  1. BASES DE DATOS I. Fraternali, Piero

  (1) Inv.: 1022406 S.T.: 005.74 CER
1 Ejemplar
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1022406 005.74 CER

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Ceri, Stefano (1955-...)
Designing database applications with objects and rules [TXT]. -- Harlow : Addison-Wesley, 1997. -- Designing database applications with objects and rules / Ceri, Stefano

Apéndices: p. 547-562. Bibliografía: 563-571
ISBN: 0201403692

1. BASES DE DATOS I. Fraternali, Piero

(1) Inv.: 1022406 S.T.: 005.74 CER