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Bibliotecas UNLAM
Catálogo Bibliográfico

612.17 WAS

Wasserman, Karlman
  Principles of exercise testing and interpretation : including pathophisiology and clinical applications [TXT]. -- 3a.ed. -- Baltimore : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c1999
  ISBN: 0683306464

  1. DIAGNOSTICO; 2. EJERCICIO; 3. SISTEMA CARDIOVASCULAR; 4. SISTEMA RESPIRATORIO; 5. ESTUDIOS DE CASOS I. Hansen, James E. (1941-...) II. Sue, Darryl Y. III. Whipp, Brian J. (1937-2011) IV. Casaburi, Richard (1947-...)

  (1) Inv.: 1018996 S.T.: 612.17 WAS
1 Ejemplar
U. Info. Inventario S.T. / Ubicación
1018996 612.17 WAS

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Wasserman, Karlman
Principles of exercise testing and interpretation : including pathophisiology and clinical applications [TXT]. -- 3a.ed. -- Baltimore : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c1999
ISBN: 0683306464

1. DIAGNOSTICO; 2. EJERCICIO; 3. SISTEMA CARDIOVASCULAR; 4. SISTEMA RESPIRATORIO; 5. ESTUDIOS DE CASOS I. Hansen, James E. (1941-...) II. Sue, Darryl Y. III. Whipp, Brian J. (1937-2011) IV. Casaburi, Richard (1947-...)

(1) Inv.: 1018996 S.T.: 612.17 WAS