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Bibliotecas UNLAM
Catálogo Bibliográfico

796.07 MEA

Morrow, James R. (1947-...)
  Measurement and evaluation in human performance [TXT]. -- Champaign, Ill. : Human Kinetics, 1995

  Contiene un disquette.
  ISBN: 0873229614

  1. EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA; 2. RENDIMIENTO ATLETICO I. Jackson, Allen W. II. Disch, James G. (1947-...) III. Mood, Dale P.

  (1) Inv.: 1017706 S.T.: 796.07 MEA
1 Ejemplar
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1017706 796.07 MEA

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Morrow, James R. (1947-...)
Measurement and evaluation in human performance [TXT]. -- Champaign, Ill. : Human Kinetics, 1995

Contiene un disquette.
ISBN: 0873229614

1. EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA; 2. RENDIMIENTO ATLETICO I. Jackson, Allen W. II. Disch, James G. (1947-...) III. Mood, Dale P.

(1) Inv.: 1017706 S.T.: 796.07 MEA