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Bibliotecas UNLAM
Catálogo Bibliográfico

005.1 ANT

Brown, William J. (1954-...)
  Anti patterns : refactoring software, architecturas, and projects in crisis [TXT]. -- New York : Wiley, 1998
  ISBN: 0471197130

  1. INGENIERIA DE PROGRAMAS INFORMATICOS I. Malveau, Raphael C. (1969-...) II. McCormick, Hays W. (1964-...)

  (1) Inv.: 1022521 S.T.: 005.1 ANT

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1022521 005.1 ANT

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Brown, William J. (1954-...)
Anti patterns : refactoring software, architecturas, and projects in crisis [TXT]. -- New York : Wiley, 1998
ISBN: 0471197130

1. INGENIERIA DE PROGRAMAS INFORMATICOS I. Malveau, Raphael C. (1969-...) II. McCormick, Hays W. (1964-...)

(1) Inv.: 1022521 S.T.: 005.1 ANT