Neffen, Hugo E. Asthma - A Link Between Enviroment, Immunology, and The Airways: Proceedings of the XVI th World Congress Of Asthma, Buenos Aires, October 17-20, 1999. [TXT]. -- Hogrefe. -- Seatle : Hogrefe & Huber, Publishers, [s.f.]
El prefacio es de H.E. Neffen y C.E. Boena - Cagnani.
Contiene Gráficos.
ISBN: 0889372209
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Neffen, Hugo E.
Asthma - A Link Between Enviroment, Immunology, and The Airways: Proceedings of the XVI th World Congress Of Asthma, Buenos Aires, October 17-20, 1999. [TXT]. -- Hogrefe. -- Seatle : Hogrefe & Huber, Publishers, [s.f.]
El prefacio es de H.E. Neffen y C.E. Boena - Cagnani.
Contiene Gráficos.
ISBN: 0889372209
1. ASMA; 2. MEDICINA; 3. CONDICIONES ATMOSFERICAS I. Baena-Cagnani, Carlos E. II. Fabbri, Leonardo M. III. Holgate, Stephen IV. O´ Byrne, Paul V. World Congress of Asthma, (16 th:1999: Buenos Aires)