TCP/IP and Related Protocols
. Black, Uyless (1939-...). 3a. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, c1998. U.I.: Bca. Leopoldo Marechal. ISBN: 0079132820. (M) Texto
Advanced Cisco router configuration
. Chappell, Laura; Cisco Systems. (Cisco Career Certifications). Indianapolis, Ind.: Cisco Press, c1999. U.I.: Bca. Leopoldo Marechal. ISBN: 1578700744. (M) Texto
Object-oriented client/server internet environments
. Umar, Amjad. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, c1997. U.I.: Bca. Leopoldo Marechal. ISBN: 0133755444. (M) TextoSoa with Rest : principles, patterns & constraints for building enterprise solutions with Rest
. Erl, Thomas (1967-...); Carlyle, Benjamin; Pautasso, Cesare (1975-...); Balasubramanian, Raj. Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2014. U.I.: Bca. Leopoldo Marechal. ISBN: 9780137012510. (M) Texto
Tecnologías de interconectividad de redes
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. Doyle, Jeff; Carroll, Jenniffer DeHaven. (CCIE professional development). Indianapolis, Ind: Cisco Press, c2001. U.I.: Bca. Leopoldo Marechal. ISBN: 1578700892. (M) TextoOpen systems networking : TCP/IP and OSI
. Piscitello, David M.; Chapin, A. Lyman. (Addison-Wesley professional computing series). Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, c1993. U.I.: Bca. Leopoldo Marechal. ISBN: 0201563347. (M) Texto