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Bibliotecas UNLAM
Catálogo Bibliográfico

708.973 ZAP

Zappler, Georg
  Official guide to the American Museum of Natural History [TXT]. -- Nueva York : American Museum of Natural History, 1984

  1. MUSEOS HISTORICOS; 2. ANIMALES; 3. AVES; 4. MINERALES; 5. METEORITO; 6. Animales Prehistóricos

  (1) Inv.: 1069486 S.T.: 708.973 ZAP
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1069486 708.973 ZAP

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Zappler, Georg
Official guide to the American Museum of Natural History [TXT]. -- Nueva York : American Museum of Natural History, 1984

1. MUSEOS HISTORICOS; 2. ANIMALES; 3. AVES; 4. MINERALES; 5. METEORITO; 6. Animales Prehistóricos

(1) Inv.: 1069486 S.T.: 708.973 ZAP