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Bibliotecas UNLAM
Catálogo Bibliográfico

004.45 SAP LEH

Lehnert, Volker (1969-...)
  Authorizations in SAP software : design and configuration [TXT]. -- 1a. ed. -- Boston : Galileo Press, 2011

  Includes bibliographical references and index
  ISBN: 9781592293421

  1. SOFTWARE; 2. GESTION; 3. NEGOCIOS I. Bonitz, Katharina II. Justice, Larry

  (1) Inv.: 00084305 S.T.: 004.45 SAP LEH
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00084305 004.45 SAP LEH

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Lehnert, Volker (1969-...)
Authorizations in SAP software : design and configuration [TXT]. -- 1a. ed. -- Boston : Galileo Press, 2011

Includes bibliographical references and index
ISBN: 9781592293421

1. SOFTWARE; 2. GESTION; 3. NEGOCIOS I. Bonitz, Katharina II. Justice, Larry

(1) Inv.: 00084305 S.T.: 004.45 SAP LEH